XtremIO Plugin for VMware vRealize Orchestrator 1.1.0 is out.


We have just released an update for our XtremIO vRO adapter, if you are new to the adapter, you can read about it here


You can download the new version from here


And the documentation from here



VMware vRealize Orchestrator is an IT process automation tool that allows automated management and operational tasks across both VMware and third-party applications.
Note: VMware vRealize Orchestrator was formerly named VMware vCenter Orchestrator.
The XtremIO plugin for vRealize Orchestrator facilitates the automation and orchestration of tasks that involve the XtremIO Storage Array. It augments the capabilities of VMware’s
vRealize Orchestrator solution by providing access to XtremIO Storage Array-specific management workflows.
This plugin provides many built-in workflows and actions that can be used by a vRealize administrator directly or for the construction of higher level custom workflows to automate storage tasks. The major workflow categories are provided by the XtremIO plugin for vRealize Orchestrator for storage configuration, provisioning, LUN and VM snapshot backup and VM recovery.

Basic Workflow Definition
A basic workflow is a workflow that for the most part represents a discrete piece of XtremIO functionality, such as creating a Volume or mapping a Volume. The workflows in the management folders for Consistency Groups, Cluster, Initiator Groups, Protection Scheduler, Snapshot Set, Tag, Volume and XMS are all examples of basic workflows.

High-level Workflow Definition
A high-level workflow is a collection of basic workflows put together in such a way as to achieve a higher level of functionality. The workflows in the XtremIO Storage Management
folder and the XtremIO VMware Storage Management folder are examples of high-level workflows. The Host Expose Storage workflow in the VMware Storage Management folder, for example, allows a user to create Volumes, create any necessary Initiator Groups and map those Volumes to a host, all from one workflow. All the input needed from this workflow is supplied prior to the calling of the first workflow in the chain of basic workflows that are called.

Accessing XtremIO Workflows

Expand the XtremIO folder to list folders containing specific XtremIO and VMware
functionality. The following section provides information on each of the workflows.

XtremIO CG Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
CG Add Volume Adds one or more Volumes to a Consistency Group.
CG Copy Creates a copy of the Volume(s) in the selected Consistency
CG Create Allows you to create one Consistency Group and optionally supply
a Consistency Group Tag to the created Consistency Group.
CG Delete Deletes the specified Consistency Group.
CG List Lists all known Consistency Groups for a given cluster.
CG List Volumes Lists all Volumes in a Consistency Group.
CG Protection Creates a Protection of the Volume(s) in the selected Consistency
CG Refresh Refreshes a Consistency Group from the selected copy of the
Consistency Group.
CG Remove Volume Removes one or more Volumes from a Consistency Group.
CG Rename Renames the specified Consistency Group.
CG Restore Restores a Consistency Group from a selected CG Protection

XtremIO Cluster Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
Cluster List Lists the cluster(s) for a given XMS Server.

XtremIO IG Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
IG Add Initiator Adds an Initiator to an Initiator Group.
IG Create Allows you to create one or more Initiator Groups and optionally
supply an Initiator Group Tag to the created Initiator Groups.
IG Delete Deletes one or more Initiator Groups.
IG List Lists all Initiator Groups based upon the supplied input criteria.
IG List Initiators Lists all Initiators for the supplied Initiator Group.
IG List Volumes Lists Volumes for a given Initiator Group.
IG Remove Initiator Removes an Initiator from an Initiator Group.
IG Rename Renames a selected Initiator Group.
IG Show Returns Initiator Group attributes as a formatted string for a given
Initiator Group, set of specified Initiator Groups or all Initiator
Groups, (if none are supplied).
Workflow Name Description

XtremIO Performance Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
Cluster Report Lists the cluster information shown below in one of three output
formats based upon the supplied input criteria.
• Output formats: CSV, HTML, Dictionary (JSON)
• Data Reduction Ratio: Cluster’s object field
• Compression Factor: Clusters object field
• Dedup Ratio: Clusters object field dedup-ratio-text
• Physical Capacity: Sum of SSD objects field
ssd-size-in-kb * 1024 (in bytes)
• Total Space: Clusters object field
ud-ssd-space * 1024 (in
• Space Consumed: Clusters object field
ud-ssd-space-in-use * 1024 (in bytes)
• Remaining Space: Total Space – Space Consumed * 1024 (in
• Thin Provisioning Savings: 1 / Cluster Field
• Overall Efficiency: = 1 / Cluster Field
thin-provisioning-ratio *
• Performance: Contains certain metrics for ascertaining overall
cluster performance.
Datastore Report Provides datastore performance information for a specific ESXi
Host Report Provides performance information for ESXi Hosts.
IG Report Provides performance information for Initiator Groups
Workflow Usage Report Returns usage count information for XtremIO Workflows that have
been successfully invoked.

XtremIO Protection Scheduler Folder

Workflow Name Description
Protection Scheduler Create Creates a Protection Scheduler, which consists of the schedule
name, optional Tag and associated input arguments.
Protection Scheduler Delete Deletes a Protection Scheduler.
Protection Scheduler List List the Protection Schedulers based upon the supplied input
Protection Scheduler Modify Allows you to modify various attributes of a Protection Scheduler.
Protection Scheduler Resume Resumes a suspended local Protection Scheduler.
Protection Scheduler Suspend Suspends the action of a local Protection Scheduler.

XtremIO RecoverPoint Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
RP Add Adds a RecoverPoint Server to the list of available RecoverPoint
Servers in the vRealize inventory, for use by the XtremIO
RecoverPoint workflows.
RP Create CG Creates and enables a new RecoverPoint Consistency Group from
new and existing user and journal volumes.
RP Delete CG Deletes a RecoverPoint Consistency Group but retains the user
and journal storage.
RP Delete CG Storage Deletes a RecoverPoint Consistency Group and the associated
user and journal storage.
RP List Produces a list of available RecoverPoint Servers that are present
in the vRealize inventory.
RP List CGs Produces a list of RecoverPoint Consistency Groups.
RP Modify CG Allows modification of the RecoverPoint Consistency Group
recovery point objective, compression and number of snapshots
RP Remove Removes a RecoverPoint server from the list of available
RecoverPoint Servers in the vRealize inventory.

XtremIO Snapshot Set Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
SnapshotSet Copy Creates a copy of the Volumes in the selected Snapshot Set.
SnapshotSet Delete Deletes a Snapshot Set.
SnapshotSet List Returns a list of Snapshot Sets by name and/or Tag.
SnapshotSet Map Maps a Snapshot Set to an Initiator Group.
SnapshotSet Protection Creates a Protection of the Volumes from the selected Snapshot
SnapshotSet Refresh Refreshes a Snapshot Set from the selected copy.
SnapshotSet Rename Renames a Snapshot Set.
SnapshotSet Unmap Unmaps a Snapshot Set.
Workflow Name Description

XtremIO Storage Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
Datastore Delete Storage This workflow either:
• Shutdowns and deletes all VMs associated with the datastore.
• Disconnects all the secondary datastore VMDKs from the VMs
utilizing that datastore.
The workflow then unmounts the datastore as necessary from all
ESXi hosts and deletes it. It then unmaps the XtremIO Volume
associated with the datastore and deletes it.
If the Volume to be deleted is also in an XtremIO Consistency
Group, the Consistency Group is also deleted, if the group is
empty (as a result of the Volume deletion).
If the datastore selected for deletion is used for primary storage
(i.e. VMDKs that are surfacing operating system disks, for
example, c:\ for windows) then select Yes to the question “Delete
VMs associated with the datastore” prior to running the workflow.
Note: Best practice for datastore usage is to use separate
datastores for primary and secondary VM storage.
Datastore Expose Storage Allows you to create or use an existing XtremIO Volume to
provision a VMFS Datastore.
If an existing XtremIO Volume is used, which is a copy or
protection of an existing datastore, then the existing XtremIO
Volume needs to be assigned a new signature prior to utilizing it.
You can select to expose the storage to a single ESXi host or all
ESXi hosts in a given cluster.
If selecting existing Volume(s), either select them individually or
select a Consistency Group that contains the Volumes to use for
the datastores.
VM Clone Storage Makes a copy of the specified production datastores and
connects those datastores copies to a set of specified
test/development VMs. If the datastore to be cloned contains a
hard disk representing the operating system disk, the VMDK is
ignored when reconnecting the VMDKs to the test/development
The datastores to be copied can either be selected individually or
from a specified XtremIO Consistency Group.
The workflow then makes a copy of the selected Volumes. It then
clones the VM to VMDKs relationships of the production
datastores to the copied datastores for the selected
test/development VMs.
The VMs involved follow a specific naming convention for the
production and test/development VMs.
For example, if the production VM is called “Finance” then the
secondary VM name must start with “Finance” followed by a
suffix/delimiter such as “Finance_001”.
The production and test/development VMs must also be stored in
separate folders. The workflow skips over the production VMs
that do not have a matching VM in the test/development folder.
VM Delete Storage Deletes the datastores containing the application data and
underlying XtremIO storage Volumes associated to these
The VMs for which the datastores are deleted can be selected by
choosing either a vCenter folder that the VMs reside in or by
individually selecting the VMs.
The VM itself can also be deleted by selecting Yes to the question
“Delete VMs and remove all storage (No will only remove VMs
secondary storage)”.
If No is selected to the above question, the workflow unmounts
the secondary datastore containing the application data from all
hosts that are using the datastore prior to its deletion.
The workflow then proceeds to unmap the XtremIO Volume
associated with the datastore and then deletes it.
If the Volume to be deleted is also in an XtremIO Consistency
Group, the Consistency Group is also deleted, if the group is
empty (as a result of the Volume deletion).
VM Expose Storage Allows you to create or use an existing XtremIO Volume to
provision a VMFS datastore and then provision either a VMDK
(Virtual Machine Disk) or RDM (Raw Disk Mappings) to a virtual
machine. This is accomplished by calling the workflows Datastore
Expose Storage and VM Add Storage from this workflow.
Workflow Name Description

XtremIO Tag Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
Tag Apply Applies a Tag to an object.
Tag Create Creates a Tag for a given tag type.
Tag Delete Deletes a list of supplied Tags.
Tag List Lists Tags for a given Tag type.
Tag Remove Removes a Tag from an object.
Tag Rename Renames a Tag.

XtremIO VMware Storage Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
Datastore Copy Makes a copy of your underlying XtremIO Volume that the
datastore is based on.
Datastore Create Creates a VMFS datastore on a Fibre Channel, iSCSI or local SCSI
Datastore Delete Deletes the selected datastore.
This workflow either:
• Shutdowns and deletes all VMs associated with the datastore.
• Disconnects all the datastore VMDKs from all the VMs utilizing
that datastore.
The workflow then unmounts the datastore as necessary from all
ESXi hosts and deletes it. It then unmaps the XtremIO Volume
associated with the datastore and deletes it.
If the datastore selected for deletion is used wholly or partly for
primary storage (i.e. VMDKs that are surfacing operating system
disks, for example, c:\ for windows) then select Yes to the
question “Delete VMs associated with the datastore” prior to
running the workflow.
Note: Best practice for datastore usage is to use separate
datastores for primary and secondary VM storage.
Datastore Expand Used to expand a datastore.
Datastore List Returns the datastores known to the vCenter Server instance
Datastore Mount Mounts the given datastore onto the selected host, or all hosts
associated with the datastore if a host is not specified.
Note: If you select to mount the datastore on all hosts and the
datastore fails to mount on at least one of the hosts, the info log
file of the workflow reports the hosts that the datastore could not
be mounted on.
For convenience this workflow allows you to select from
pre-existing datastores that have already been mounted to ESXi
hosts or datastores that have been copied (but not yet previously
mounted).Such datastores are resignatured as part of the
mounting process.
Datastore Protection Makes a protection (a read only copy) of your underlying XtremIO
Volume that the datastore is based on.
Datastore Reclaim Storage Used to reclaim unused space in a datastore, and also, to delete
the unused VMDK files.
Datastore Refresh Refreshes a copy of the underlying XtremIO Volume that the
datastore is based on.
Once the datastore to refresh has been selected, a list of copies
or protections, from which to refresh, are displayed. These are
based on whether “Copy” or “Protection” was selected in the
answer to “Restore Snapshot Type”.
The list displayed chronologically, with the most recent copy
listed first.
If a copy to refresh is not selected, the most recent copy is
automatically refreshed.
There is an option to provide a name for the Snapshot Set and
suffix that will be created.
Datastore Restore Restores the underlying XtremIO Volume that the datastore is
based on, from a copy that was created earlier.
Once the datastore to refresh has been selected, a list of copies
or protections, from which to refresh, are displayed. These are
based on whether “Copy” or “Protection” was selected in the
answer to “Restore Snapshot Type”.
The list displayed chronologically, with the most recent copy
listed first.
If a copy to refresh is not selected, the most recent copy is
automatically refreshed.
Datastore Show Returns information about the supplied datastore:
• AvailableDisksByHost: List of hosts and available disks that
can be used in creating a datastore.
• Capacity: Datastore’s total capacity in bytes.
• Expandable: True if datastore is expandable.
• ExpansionSpace: Space in bytes that is left for expansion of
• Extendable: True if datastore can be extended.
• FreeSpace: Datastore’s free capacity in bytes.
• Hosts: List of hosts known to the datastore.
• Name: Name of the datastore.
• RDMs: List of RDMs known to the datastore.
• UnusedVMDKs: List of VMDks that are not in use by a VM.
• VMs: List of VMs known to the datastore.
• VMDKs: List of VMDKs residing in the datastore and in use by a
Datastore Show Storage Returns the XtremIO Volumes, Consistency Groups and Snapshot
Sets that make up the datastore.
If the workflow runs successfully but none of the output variables
are populated, check the info log for messages such as this one:
[YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] [I] Unable to find one or more
corresponding Volumes to naa-names — possibly unregistered,
unreachable XMSServers, or non-XtremIO Volumes.
In addition to ensuring that all of the XMS Servers have been
added to the vRO inventory via the XMS Add workflow, it is
strongly recommended to also run the Host Conformance
workflow. This ensures that all your XtremIO Volumes that are
visible to ESXi hosts have their corresponding XMS Server known
to vRealize.
Datastore Unmount Unmounts the given datastore from the specified host or all hosts
associated with the datastore, if a host is not specified.
Workflow Name Description
Host Add SSH Connection Adds the connection information for a given ESXi Host into the
vRealize inventory.
When running the workflow Host Modify Settings you must select
the SSH Connection to use in order for the workflow to connect to
the ESXi Host and run properly.
Note: When supplying a value for the field “The host name of the
SSH Host”, ensure this is a fully qualified domain name or IP
address that allows the workflow to connect to the ESXi host via
Host Conformance Checks either a single ESXi host or all ESXi hosts in a vCenter
instance, to ensure that all the XtremIO Volumes that are mapped
to ESXi hosts have for this vRealize instance all of the necessary
XMS Servers connected to it.
Once the report is run, it provides a list of Volumes that are
conformant (have an associated XMS Server instance present for
those Volumes) and those Volumes that are not conformant (do
not have an associated XMS Server present for those Volumes).
For those Volumes that are found to be not conformant the XMS
Add workflow should be run so that XtremIO vRealize workflows
can work properly with these Volume(s).
Host Delete Storage Allows you to delete a list of selected Volumes mounted to a host.
The Volumes can be specified by individual name, Consistency
Group or Snapshot Set.
You can supply a value for all three fields or just a subset of them.
As long as one Volume name, Consistency Group name or
Snapshot Set name is supplied, the workflow can be run.
The selected Volumes are unmapped and deleted and the
corresponding Consistency Group Deleted (if all the Volumes
have been removed.
Host Expose Storage Exposes new or existing XtremIO Volumes to a standalone host or
VMware ESXi host.
Select either a list of Volumes or a Consistency Group
representing a list of Volumes, to be exposed to the host.
If new Volumes are being created you also have the option of
creating a new Consistency Group to put the Volumes into.
Host List Lists the hosts for a given vCenter.
Host Modify Settings Modifies the settings for a given ESXi server.
This workflow requires that an SSH Host Instance be setup for the
ESXi host to be checked, prior to running this workflow.
In order to setup this SSH Host Instance run the workflow Host
Add SSH Connection.
Host Remove SSH Connection Removes an SSH Host configuration entry from the vRealize
Host Rescan Rescans one or all hosts of a given vCenter.
Host Show This workflow returns the following.
• WWNs for the given vCenter Host.
• Available disks for the given vCenter Host that can be used to
create new datastores. The output variable
can be used as input to the Datastore Create workflow input
• In use disks for the given vCenter Host.
Workflow Name Description
vCenter Add Adds a vCenter instance to the vRealize inventory.
vCenter Cluster Delete Storage Deletes all unused XtremIO storage Volumes for each ESXi host in
a vCenter Cluster.
This workflow exits with an error when an XMS Server cannot be
located for any of the unused XtremIO storage Volumes that are to
be removed.
vCenter Cluster Expose
Exposes new or existing XtremIO Volumes to the ESXi hosts in a
VMware Cluster.
vCenter List Lists the vCenter instances known to the vRealize inventory.
vCenter List Clusters Returns a list of vCenter Cluster objects for the supplied vCenter.
vCenter Remove Removes a vCenter instance from the vRealize inventory.
vCenter Show Returns a list of vCenter Hosts for a given Cluster object.
For each host a list of available disks is also returned.
VM Add VMDK Provisions to a VM, either a:
• New VMDK
• New RDM
• List of existing, unused, VMDKs
If the storage type selected is VMDK then a datastore must be
selected for the VMDK.
If the storage type selected is RDM then a datastore does not
need to be selected in order to create the RDM.
VM Delete Deletes a VM and release resources, such as the primary storage
allocated to the VM.
Note: This workflow should be used to remove the primary
storage, “Hard disk 1” associated with a VM.
Primary storage cannot be removed until the VM is shutdown and
deleted. Secondary VMDK and RDM storage are preserved.
Use the VM Delete Storage workflow to delete all of the following:
• VM
• The datastore associated with the VM
• The underlying XtremIO storage making up that VM
VM List Lists the VMs for a given vCenter or for a given vCenter host.
VM Remove VMDK Removes and deletes an RDM or VMDK from a VM.
Note: This workflow cannot be used to remove the primary
storage, “Hard disk 1” (the VM’s primary storage drive), as this
requires the VM to be shut down and deleted prior to reclaiming
the storage for “Hard disk 1”.
VM Show Lists the VMDKs, RDMs and RDM Physical LUN names for each
RDM for a given VM.
Workflow Name Description

XtremIO Volume Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
Volume Copy Allows you to create one or more copies supplying a list of source
Volumes, or a list of Volume Tags.
Volume Create Allows you to create one or more Volumes and optionally supply a
Volume Tag to the created Volumes. For each Volume created, if at
the cluster level, the parameter
show-clusters-thresholds shows that
vaai-tp-alerts is set to a value of between 1-100, then the
add-volume vaai-tp-alerts parameter is set to enabled.
Volume Delete Deletes the list of selected Volumes or Volumes associated with a
particular Volume Tag.
Volume Expand Expands a Volume to the new size supplied.
Volume List Lists Volumes by name, size and Tag for a given cluster.
Volume Map Allows you to map Volumes by Name or by Tag for the supplied
Initiator Group.
Volume Modify Allows particular Volume parameters to be changed. The current
Volume parameter that can be changed is
(VAAI Thin Provisioning alert).
The selected Volumes can be either be set to participate or
disabled from participation in thin provisioning threshold alerts.
At the cluster level the thin provisioning alert level must set to a
value of between 1 – 100 in order for a Volume to generate an
alert. The syntax is as follows:
vaai-tp-alerts=[enabled / disabled]
Volume Protection Allows you to create one or more Protections supplying a list of
source Volumes, or a list of Volume Tags.
Volume Refresh Refreshes a Volume from the selected copy.
Volume Rename Renames the selected Volume.
Volume Restore Restores a Volume from the selected Protection.
Volume Show Returns Volume parameters as a formatted string for a given
Volume, set of specified Volumes or all Volumes (if none are
The values for
naa-name, logical-space-in-use and
vaai-tp-alerts are returned for the specified Volumes.
• The
naa-name parameter represents the NAA Identifier that is
assigned to a Volume only after it has been mapped to an
Initiator Group.
• The
logical-space-in-use parameter is the Volume
logical space in use (VSG).
• The
vaai-tp-alerts parameter controls whether a Volume
participates in thin provisioning alerts. The value is either
enabled or disabled.
At the cluster level, the thin provisioning alert level must set to a
value between 1 – 100, in order for a Volume to generate an alert,
regardless of whether an individual Volume has
vaai-tp-alerts enabled.
Volume Unmap Unmaps Volumes in one of the following ways:
• Unmaps a user supplied list of Volumes.
• Unmaps all Volumes associated with a particular Initiator
• Unmaps a selected list of Volumes associated with a particular
Initiator Group.
• Unmaps all Volume associated with a particular Tag.
Workflow Name Description

XtremIO XMS Management Folder

Workflow Name Description
XMS Add Adds an XMS server to the vRealize Inventory.
XMS List Lists the known XMS servers in the vRealize Inventory.
XMS Remove Removes an XMS server from the vRealize Inventory.
XMS Show Returns XMS attributes as a formatted string for a given XMS
xms-ip, server-name and cluster-names attributes
are always returned for a given XMS Server.
sw-version is also returned by default but can be removed
from the list of returned attributes, if that information is not



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